2025 Educational Showcase Information


The Florida State Fair offers a wide variety of educational exibits - from agriculture to history to the environment. We invite 1st - 5th grade classes to join us for an "Educational Experience" at Florida's Largest Classroom.

Florida Forest Discovery Center
The Florida Forest Discovery Center is an interpretative, educational exhibit consisting of numerous displays for visitors to learn about the ecological and economic value of forests. Among the numerous displays to be found in the Center will be “Tree Products” display highlighting many tree products found in homes everywhere, a collection of antique forestry tools and information the many opportunities within national and state forests.

Florida Cattle Ranching Exhibit
The exhibit presents the history, culture, occupational arts, and virtually all aspects of the rich cattle ranching industry in Florida. It includes artifacts such as saddles, whips, branding irons and rodeo gear; large scale archival and contemporary documentary photographs; two and three dimensional Florida Cowboy art; and audio and video components.

Ag-Venture is a special venue where students can touch, see, feel and learn about Florida Agriculture. You won’t want to miss this hands-on experience.... Students can make butter, make a plant necklace & much more.

Salute to Ag Exhibit / Moo-ternity Ward
The Salute to Ag Exhibit is a feature exhibit that takes you into the world of animal agriculture. Students will see a variety of animals. You might also have a chance to watch a calf being born in our Moo-ternity Ward.

Livestock Barns
Students can see a variety of animals being exhibited by open and youth exhibitors from around the Southeast region. In the Livestock barn, students will learn about beef and dairy animals, pygmy goats, and swine. The different species and breeds will be judged
and on display at various times during the Fair.

Rabbit and Poultry Barn
In the Rabbit and Poultry barn, students will see a wide variety of different breeds of rabbits and chickens. At educational displays, students can see eggs hatching, baby chicks, litters of baby rabbits and Champion Row.

Cracker Country 
Cracker Country is a village concept where cultural and architectural history has been preserved for future generations. History is presented in a living, interpretative atmosphere that accurately reflects life as it was in Florida at the turn of the century.

Steam Engines
Students can see the concept of simple machinery in action through a variety of steam engines that have been restored to their original condition and are fully operational and functional.

Florida Center
This building is a true showcase of Florida and its citizens. The Creative Living Competitions range from Aquarium, to Photography, to Sewing, to Legos and much much more!

Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission Exhibit
This fascinating exhibit is presented and explained by employees of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Students can see a variety of native fresh & salt water fish, as well as snakes, a bear, a panther and more.

Milking Parlor
Students will see a milking parlor in operation. The process is explained by our Milk Man and students might get a chance to help out.

Agricultural Hall of Fame / Ag Showcase
The Ag Hall of Fame/ Ag Showcase building is a presentation of Florida’s wide variety of agricultural products. Students can learn about Florida strawberries, aquaculture, peanuts, beef cattle and MORE!!! Also located in the Ag Showcase building, students can take a look at the lives and accomplishments of the past Ag Hall of Fame Inductees.

Insect Encounter
The Insect Encounter allows students can learn about insects. The exhibit will have information on insects with exotic animal common names (ant lion, zebra swallowtail, etc.) and they will learn about metamorphosis. There will be hands-on activities, such as being able to scoop out an ant lion larvae and measure it.

Little Farm Hands
Little Farm Hands is an agricultural education exhibit for kids ages, 3 - 8. Here they can become farm hands at this hands-on exhibit as they are provided the opportunity to experience the agricultural process on their level of understanding, beginning at the farm and ending at the market.